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Quality & Clinical Operations
Workforce & Culture
The ICD-10 Coding Challenge: How Clinicians Can Help
Quality & Clinical Operations
Workforce & Culture
Use Mock Accreditation Surveys to Address Common Problem Areas

One of the areas of greatest concern for pharmacy practice, in terms of both cost and impact on patient care, is the increasing development of pharmaceuticals that could be classified as “speci... read more

Quality & Clinical Operations
Health Care Strategy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Rather than any early knockout in one of his epic matches, eulogies last month for boxing legend Muhammad Ali memorialized his three-decade, very public fight against Parkinsons disease. The once fle... read more

Quality & Clinical Operations
On the Concept of a Good Death

Martin Luther once said, “Every man must do two things alone: he must do his own believing and his own dying.” A number of profound concepts are embedded in that statement, starting with ... read more

Quality & Clinical Operations
Chronic Pain Doesn’t Go Away During a Pandemic. Here’s How to Develop a Program to Connect These Patients Back to the Care They Need
Jim Lichauer.jpg (Original)
by Jim Lichauer, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP

With over 50 million U.S. adults experiencing chronic pain daily, the need for patient care hasn’t disappeared, but it may have grown more complicated due to the pandemic. read more

Quality & Clinical Operations
Adult Fall Prevention: Does Your Program Include an Injury Risk Assessment?

One of the most common ways a hospitalized patient can be injured is by falling and, those that sustain an injury from a fall have a higher risk of complications that negatively impact their outcome. read more

Quality & Clinical Operations
Evaluating your Block Schedule: Dive Right In

Managing, let alone changing, your organization’s block schedule might feel as intimidating as the thought of diving with sharks. But don’t let it scare you; the benefits far exceed the risks. It’s t... read more

Quality & Clinical Operations
Addressing Social Determinants of Health During COVID-19 and Beyond: How to Find Your Organization’s Fit

We have seen the significant effects of COVID-19 on our country’s most vulnerable populations, amplifying existing health disparities. We have also seen hospitals and health systems continue and expa... read more

Quality & Clinical Operations
Preparing for an Offsite Accreditation Survey: Strategies for Success

The growing use of virtual technology during the COVID-19 pandemic is not just confined to advances in patient care via telemedicine. Companies also pivoted to virtual options to conduct business, in... read more

Quality & Clinical Operations
Leadership Rounding: Shifting to a Tracer Approach for Regulatory Compliance

Are you a clinical leader, new accreditation professional or someone who is tired of performing the traditional “audit” to evaluate regulatory compliance? There has to be a better way, right? There i... read more